Implicaciones internacionales del deterioro ambiental


  • Luciano Tomassini


In advanced countries, people are beginning to think with alarm that exponential population growth, industrialization and consumption will lead, in the not too distant future, to a true economic and demographic collapse, either as a consequence of the depletion of natural resources, insufficient food or increased environmental pollution. We maintain that the growth of GNP is an important objective of the development process but that it should not be used as the only indicator of the well-being of the community. However, the defense of ecology - for those who can enjoy it - should not make us forget the most pressing needs of the poorest two-thirds of humanity.


Environmental Deterioration, Ecology, Development, Economic Growth, Third World

Author Biography

Luciano Tomassini

Fue profesor de la Universidad de Chile y de la Universidad Católica de Santiago y, posteriormente, Baring Research Fellow de la London School of Economics y el Royal Institute of International Affairs. Fue también jefe de la Unidad de Desarrollo Social del BID, y actualmente forma parte del Instituto para la Integración de América Latina. Ha publicado diversos trabajos en "Estudios internacionales", "Revista latinoamericana de ciencia política", "The world today" y otras revistas especializadas.