Tecnología y ética en el nuevo orden informativo


  • José Antonio Cousiño C. Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


The subject of the international information structure is a matter of analysis and debate. Supporters of a New International Information Order have reasons to propose modifications to the "unbalanced" situation in terms of communications. To properly understand why the international information structure is being questioned, it is necessary to bear in mind its characteristics and the remarkable development recently achieved. This is the purpose of this paper, which is presented from a Latin American perspective. We maintain that although the scope and penetration of the international media are of concern to governments, institutions and individuals, the truth is that the world information system exceeds the news and involves a complex network of data communications and its processing, which is why those who intend to modify the current international information structure must consider its ramifications and the diversity of aspects that make up an extensive, complex and advanced system.


Technology, Ethics, New Information Order, World Information System, Transnational Communication

Author Biography

José Antonio Cousiño C., Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales. Ex director de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad Católica de Chile.