Between sacrifice and joy: Perceptions on the future of urban young people from costa rica


  • Tatiana Beirute Brealey Universidad de Costa Rica


To acknowledge that «dream big» is a feasible paradigm for some youngsters only is crucial to achieve a more inclusive society as it allows understanding that something as personal as dreams about future can be either fostered or hindered by social conditions. This work analyzes the hopes and expectations of urban young people from Costa Rica from diverse social strata, concluding that, from an objective perspective, their capacities are conditioned by external factors but there are intersubjective elements reproducing unfavorable conditions for their human development as well.


youths, human development, social exclusion

Author Biography

Tatiana Beirute Brealey, Universidad de Costa Rica

Magíster en Desarrollo Humano por la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) en Argentina. Licenciada en Sociología por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Consultora y docente de la Universidad de Costa Rica. E-Mail: