Petro and the Pacto Histórico: an approach to the left turn in Colombia



How did the Pacto Histórico manage to achieve government in the 2022 elections? Starting from the specialized literature, we argue that the existence of two explanations: the partisan institutionalization of the left and the economic vote against the right-wing government. Using process tracing we construct a causal path emphasizing the importance of the construction of a movementist coalition under the leadership of the Colombia Humana party-movement imbricated within the cycle of protests and the drop in presidential approval of the Centro Democrático government. However, the shift to the left in Colombia was incongruent and there is a continuous tension between established parties and new political movements within the government coalition.


Colombia, Gustavo Petro, Pacto Histórico, Giro a la Izquierda, Rastreo de procesos