La capacidad explicativa de los determinantes familiares en las preferencias electorales de los chilenos


  • Miguel Angel López Instituto de Asuntos Públicos
  • Mauricio Morales Universidad Diego Portales


This article analyzes Chilean electoral preferences according to three family
variables: a) the attitude towards the Unidad Popular (UP); b) the attitude towards the coup d’etat of 1973; c) the attitude towards Pinochet’s regime. The
data was obtained from the Dirección de Estudios Sociológicos de la Pontificia
Universidad Católica de Chile, DESUC-CNEP Survey (1999-2000) applied in the
Metropolitan Region to 795 people. The results indicate relevant differences
between PS and PPD’s voters; while in right wing parties voters’ differences are
less intense. In the PDC, significant coefficients arise only regarding the family’s
antecedents about Pinochet’s regime. The youth presents certain differences
from the elders, but the political division remains anyway due to Pinochet’s