The aim of the legal-administrative protection of individuals calls into question the design and coherence of the appeals system that is available before an administrative authority to face with the decisions of the Administration. This paper seeks to respond to the current usefulness of administrative remedies by examining its regulatory design and confronting it in order to promote self-control by the Administration and the objective of providing effective protection of the individual, having as a framework the basic regulation contained in the Law. 19,880. The examination carried out and the conclusions drawn have as their central axis the «right to appeal» that places the citizen-administered in an active legal situation before the Administration.
Administrative appeal, Law N°19.880, Hierarchical appeal, Remedy of revocation, Public Administration
Camacho Cépeda, G. (2021). A review with a guarantee approach to administrative remedies. Revista De Derecho Público, (94), 51–68.