Administrative function and administrative law in Chilean law
Rolando Pantoja Bauzá
Profesor de derecho administrativo en Universidad de Chile, Presidente del Instituto Chileno de Derecho Administrativo, Vicepresidente del Foro Iberoamericano de Derecho Administrativo
In Chile, since the beginning of the 19th century, the constitutional texts accepted the Montesquieuan theory of the separation of the powers of the State, or, if you will, of the division of functions, endorsing this constitutive theory of the keystone of the architecture of the State. modern and representative of the institutional model that guarantees political freedom.
Administrative function, Administrative Law, Public Law
Pantoja Bauzá, R. (2016). Administrative function and administrative law in Chilean law. Revista De Derecho Público, (66), Págs. 291–305.