The institution of the Anglo-Saxon precedent approved by the Chamber of Deputies in the adequacy bill of the Constitutional Organic Law of the Constitutional Court to the Reform of the Fundamental Charter of August 26, 2005
Paulino Varas Alfonso
Profesor Titular de Derecho Constitucional
The constitutional reform approved by L and No. 20,050 does not authorize the Constitutional Organic Law of the Constitutional Court to establish powers or competencies that are not in the Fundamental Charter
1. The Constitutional Reform Project approved by the H. National Congress proposed to fully replace Article 81 of the 1980 Constitution and its final paragraph established:
"A constitutional organic law will determine its organization and functioning, as well as its attributions and procedure and will establish the staff, remuneration system and status of its personnel."
Anglo-Saxon precedent, Chamber of Deputies, Constitutional Court
Varas Alfonso, P. (2016). The institution of the Anglo-Saxon precedent approved by the Chamber of Deputies in the adequacy bill of the Constitutional Organic Law of the Constitutional Court to the Reform of the Fundamental Charter of August 26, 2005. Revista De Derecho Público, (69), Págs. 431–444.