The General Comptroller of the Republic and the public procurement
Claudio Moraga Klenner
Profesor Asociado Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Chile. Lcenciado por la Universidad de Chile.Mag. rer publ., Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften-Speyer
The paper analyzes the role that it has done the Contraloría General de la República in the control of the Chilean government procurement, as well as in the formulation of principles and regulations. It also describes the direct instruments of control available to the Comptroller: toma de razón, replacement checks and audits.
It also explains that the role of the Comptroller should be seen as one link in a complex system which also involves the Unidad de Análisis Financiero, la Fiscalía Nacional Económica y la Dirección de Compras y Contratación Pública.
Government contracting, procurement control, control instruments
Moraga Klenner, C. (2013). The General Comptroller of the Republic and the public procurement. Revista De Derecho Público, (78), Pág. 79–96.