Basic elements of architecture rules of administrative discretion
Pablo Carrasco Fuentes
Abogado y Magíster en Derecho, Mención Derecho Público por la Universidad Austral de Chile. Diplomado en Derecho Administrativo por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso de Profesor de Derecho Administrativo y Derecho Ambiental.
Administration discretion exercised with a view to the common good, trying not to make unlawful nor arbitrary, since the rule of law is its origin has been established to integrate errors, inaccuracies, ambiguities or gaps formulation. The standard consists of factual and legal consequence only discretionary or optional and may originate in the two elements. To complete the imperfect elements of the rules, the State Administration conducts interpretive or integrative. To limit the discretionary powers and avoid any failure, the need to be very technical element gravitating and regulation must be complete and quality.
Carrasco Fuentes, P. (2012). Basic elements of architecture rules of administrative discretion. Revista De Derecho Público, (77), Pág. 67–78.