Brandalism and social protest: interactions and digital identities around vandal advertising



Brandalism or subvertising refers to the advertising discourse that adopts anti-consumerism positions to make a social critique. Considering the context of social protest during the pandemic, we investigate the discursive forms of brandalism through the digital platform Facebook. Therefore, this article analyzes the interactions of political consumers in relation to the themes of brandalism of the Malditos Publicistas account on Facebook (@Malditospublicistas) in the context of the protests against the government of Manuel Merino during 2020, in Peru. Based on the case study from a sociosemiotic perspective, we identified thematic axes comprised in the ethical-political relationship of the brandalist discourse, as well as digital interactions that we categorized as "lurkers", "spectators", "activists" and "publishers". The results indicate a greater participation of lurkers and publishers reactive to ethical discourses than activists who favor the political agency of the discourse.


brandalism, subvertising, advertising semiotics, social protest, semiotic

Author Biographies

José Miguel Guerra Tacilla, jguerra, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Bachiller en Comunicación y Publicidad en la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). Participa en el grupo de investigación “semioticaestudio” de la Asociación Peruana de Semiótica. Actualmente es parte del equipo de planeamiento estratégico de la agencia de publicidad Nodos.

Eduardo Enrique Enrique YALAN DONGO, eyalan, Universidad de Lima

Magíster en Filosofía de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) y licenciado en comunicación (UPC) y forma parte de la Asociación peruana de semiótica y del Grupo de Investigación Semiótica del Instituto de Investigación Científica (IDIC) de la Universidad de Lima. Autor del libro Semiótica del consumo (2018).


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