
Dear community of the Chilean Journal of Nursing, we inform you that we continue to receive articles for publication this 2024,
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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted Chile, particularly the Metropolitan Region, which is well known as unequal. The SARS-Cov2 distribution has not affected the population equally and depends on Social Determinants of Health. Aim: To describe the COVID-19 incidence in the Metropolitan Region´s municipalities by Etnia, years of education, poverty, overcrowding, and mobility. Methodology: Cross-sectional, descriptive, and ecological study. Social Priority Index selected groups of municipalities, then 15 municipalities were randomly selected. The epidemiological status was described by mentioned Social Determinant of Health. Results: Municipalities with higher social priority and more vulnerable showed high rates of COVID-19. At the same time, municipalities with less overcrowding and mobility showed lower COVID-19 rates. Conclusion: In this way, promoting health and avoiding getting sick, it is necessary to understand the differences between people and communities. The different rates of COVID-19 by municipalities show social inequalities that must be tackled attending the structural factors of health.


Coronavirus Infections, Social Determinants of Health, Nursing Research, Epidemiologic Surveillance, Health Equity


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