
IMPORTANT: Starting from Wednesday, May 22, 2024, all manuscripts accepted for publication in 2025 must also be published in an English version. This translation must be managed and funded by the authors, as the journal will no longer cover these costs.

The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología accepts manuscripts on an ongoing basis throughout the calendar year. The journal operates under a "continuous publication" model.

Chilean Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Voice Handicap Index (VHI) and the Voice Handicap Index 10 (VHI-10)



The present study aimed to linguistically and culturally adapt the North American vocal self-assessment questionnaire, Voice Handicap Index (VHI), to Chilean Spanish. To this end, four direct translations of the VHI were carried out independently into Chilean Spanish. Subsequently, a general translation (GT) was agreed upon based on the judgment of three speech-language therapists. This GT was back-translated into the original language and compared with the original version by the same group of speech therapy professionals, which resulted in the first version of the Chilean Índice de Desventaja Vocal [Vocal Disadvantage Index] (IDV-Cl). This version was then applied to twenty people diagnosed with dysphonia, using a Likert scale for frequency. During the adaptation, it was deemed pertinent to make a note of the statements that were not understood or were culturally inappropriate for the Chilean vocabulary. The instrument was revised and modified based on the observations made by the participants, thus creating a second version of the IDV-Cl, which was then applied to six people diagnosed with dysphonia. No new suggestions for change were made at this stage. The IDV-Cl reflects the original version in English, both in the number of items and in the physical, functional, and emotional subcomponents that comprise it. Through the synthesis of this survey, it was also possible to obtain an abbreviated version, consisting of ten items (IDV-Cl-10). In conclusion, the cultural and linguistic equivalence of the VHI questionnaire in Chilean Spanish is established, resulting in the IDV-Cl and IDV-Cl-10 versions of this instrument.


Dysphonia, Surveys and Questionnaires, Quality of life

Author Biography

Soledad Alicia Correa Forno, Universidad de Valparaíso

Departamento de Voz, Escuela de Fonoaudiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile