The “Jewish neighborhood” in Old Havana District in the Abraham Marcus Matterin Archives


  • Adriana Hernández Gómez de Molina Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo, La Habana


It was in Old Havana, where the first Hebrew settlement happened in Cuba, from both origins, Sephardic and Ashkenazi. There the newcomens tried to reproduce the environment from their originary places, creating what is known as “the Jewish neigborhood in Old Havabna”. The Abraham Marcus Matterin Photographic and Documentary Archives of the reconized Hebrew -Cuban intelectual, who was a pillar of the Jewish community in Cuba, and genuine example of this “Jewish neigborhood”, is a valuable source of information to describe how the Hebrew Cuban colectivity builded its own cultural environment.


Jewish neigborhood, archives, community, cultural environment