Optimization of the drilling process to increase productivity and reduce rejects through the DMAIC methodology, Case of an automotive company


  • Juan Chávez Medina Universidad Politécnica de Puebla https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1978-0620
  • Dra. Norma Angélica Santiesteban López Facultad de Administración, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
  • Mtro. Fernando Osvaldo Chavez González Manzanilla Universidad Politécnica de Puebla
  • Mtra. María Concepción Fierro-Xochitototl Universidad Politécnica de Puebla, México
  • Dr. Víctor Genaro Luna Fernández Universidad Politécnica de Puebla, México


The automotive industry has become more demanding in terms of quality over the years, as processes require greater precision and better control in order to meet customer requirements. The present work shows the case of the implementation of the DMAIC methodology in a company in the automotive sector, specifically in a disc machining plant, which is one of the most critical and  important processes in the sector, since it is where they are perfected. the pieces, adapting to the characteristics that the client requests. The part number that was worked with is the D170X, a model belonging to the FCA client. The objective of the continuous improvement project is to reduce customer complaints, which are reflected in quality alerts. In order to reduce these alerts, it is proposed to reduce the defects found in the pieces, which are made in the drilling operation since holes are out of phase and  out of specifications. In the present work, the DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Implement and Control) methodology was developed to reduce defects by attacking them from the root and increase the Six Sigma level, in addition to being supported by the FMEA  (Mode and Effect Analysis) to identify possible failures and determine how to correct and prevent them. After the development and implementation of the DMAIC methodology, favorable changes were evidenced in the process, with quality being paramount and therefore the client is in accordance with their requirements.


Automotive sector, Machining process, DMAIC, Quality, Six Sigma, Process optimization, Productivity


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